55th Reunion - SATURDAY at the CALVIN HOUSE

Reunion Committee President Mary Brumbaugh Emeigh opened the event with a greeting, introductions and announcements. We had a wonderful dinner together, with a local disk jockey playing all the popular hits of the late 40's and early 50's.
Ed Soyster was our Master of Ceremonies, and gave a wonderful message for our class.
The long-distance travelers were Cameron Johnson from Higden, AZ and Jack Imler and family from Emmett, ID. We thank everyone who made a special effort to travel long distances at a time when gasoline prices were at their highest.
It was a great evening of getting reacquainted and reminiscing, and getting to know the adults we all have become. A group photo was taken and made available for any who wanted to purchase it.
A special thanks, once again, to Dan Feather for taking all these photos for us.
THANKS to all who helped at the Reception Tables, and to all who participated on the Reunion Committee. They were: Mary Brumbaugh Emeigh, President; Elda Drass Brown, Treasurer; Dollie Jean Stone Foor, Secretary; Shirley Stone, Assistant Secretary & Booklet Creator; Nancy Reid Cassidy, Beverages; and Advisors (all members of the Breakfast Club) Jack Nash, Duane Eicher, George Snyder, Brian Fleck, Gloria Gray Eckert, Dalleen Hamilton Wyerman, Elda Niswonger Ritchey, Velma Mae Brubaker Eastep, Janet Reed Leopold, Bob Cramer, Bob Albright, Phyllis Freidenbloom Keim, Dot Riley Gildea, Bill Bottenfield, and Ed Soyster.

Instructions to View Photo Album
Click on the first photo. It will enlarge and show the caption or names of people. To view the rest of the photos in sequence, click on the "Next >" tab at the top of the photo. To view an individual photo, click on it to enlarge. Then click "Close X."
You can also "mouse over" each photo to see the names and comments.
Since there are several classmates on most photos, they are all in random order. Classmate names are in capital letters.
(Scroll down to see more photos)